Who Am I?

This is a great question for me to try to answer.  OK I know my name – Daniel Murphy, my age – 59, my height (5’11”) and weight (c 160 pounds).  I even know roughly what I look like, when I look in the mirror. I know I’m married because I keep waking up in the morning beside the same woman, Joan – she has four children and so do I. I’ve been a full-on Dad for some of that time (but the last of our four children is now earning money and independent).  In my working life, for the past thirty odd years I’ve been variously a teacher, head of dept, teacher trainer and adviser, headteacher, headteacher trainer and latterly headteacher again (at Lornshill Academy in Clackmannanshire, Scotland.  I was recently a volunteer, working through VSO (www.vso.org.uk) to do my little bit, which is when I started this blog.  Now back in UK, I am doing some tutoring on the headteacher training programme again.

7 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. I’m the woman Danny has woken up beside(almost) every every morning for the past 33 years so the next 6 months will be a bit strange but I’m 100% behind him doing this. Its an amazing opportunity in an amazing country and I feel as if in a tiny way I’m doing it too from afar.
    Also I’ve made a list of ‘things to do when D is in Cambodia’ so that starts tomorrow!
    Safe travelling and fingers crossed that Skype works xx

  2. Dear Daniel Murphy

    My name Vannarith living in Kampot Province, Cambodia.
    i really happy when i was read you blog because have some of information about your work in Cambodia, especially you can designed it is better and i has saw you video you did uploaded. I try to upload video to my blog i can’t, so i would like to ask you that how do you upload video to you blog ? do you can tell me about the method for upload video to the blog.
    I hope you will can sharing your experience in upload video to your blog.
    I am waiting forward your answer soon.

    Best Regard

    • Hello Vannarith
      What is your job just now?.. do you work in education.
      Do you have your own blog?
      In order to upload video you need to read the instructions in your blog provider (mine is wordpress.com.. they have an online tutorial). For my blog provider, the best way to upload video is to use a ‘youtube’ account – so you upload into youtube and then past the .url into your blog text.

  3. Hi Danny,

    I think you are Danny and Joan……who met in Malaysia…where Joan worked with the deaf community in JB ? I am Gillian ( Ovens ) from Malacca.

    I don’t know how I stumbled upon you but I am so pleased to find that you are happy, healthy, creators of a dynasty and….so amazingly well read! I remember you as people who set the bar high….starting with yourselves… and looks as if that is still the way you live your lives.

    Hope you have a great time in Malaysia. I’ve travelled there a lot since ’74 and maintain close friendships . It’s a very different place these days but I can still find places to have a kopi with that delicious scoop of condensed milk in the bottom of the cup.

    Take care, and good luck in your further adventures.

    • Hello Gillian Ovens!!! I remember you well. Thanks for making contact.. it’s really nice to hear from you. We have kept up with Tim Griggs, who has been a lifelong friend, and still have christmas card contact with Jackie and Jenny but lost touch with all other VSOs from our ‘group’. Even as a 59 year old volunteer the in-country training experience here in Cambodia felt remarkably similar! Also lots of things about Cambodia are very similar to Malaysia in the early 70s (tho lots of differences too!).
      We still have many friends in M-ia and they (and their children) have visited and stayed with us, but we have never been back toether (Joan went back about 1995 to conduct some training in JB). We know things will have changed a lot but are really looking forward to meeting up with some old friends and catching up. Joan now works full time in a centre established through her research work at University of Stirling at http://www.talkingmats.com/ and keeps herself very busy training people in various parts of the UK and, occasionally, abroad, so she is doing two workshop days for Malaysian therapists in KL and Penang while we are over there.
      Please give us your contact details and keep in touch!

      • Hi Danny,

        Gosh Tim Griggs, Dungun? Besut? Kuala Trengganu ?, Jackie from Muar and Jenny from Kota Tinggi. I remember biking as far as Muar on the Honda 50 to see Jackie…..it was mostly a concrete road and the vibrations were teeth rattling.
        Anyway, glad to hear from you and I checked the link to Joan’s work which looks fascinating. My email is gilliancoward@gmail.com.

  4. Hi Danny
    You contacted me by email a few weks ago and somehow I deleted it. A real blast from the past. I remember us trooping about the Pentlands, getting lost because we were avoiding the sheep which were going to attack us. They were dangerous because they had horns. Good to hear about John and Gerry. Let’s get together for a pint sometime. I live in deepest Weegielandia now but am often in Edimbra. Take care.

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